Sunday, January 28, 2007

Three Topics

Montessori learning environment
o I would argue that when a Montessori learning environment is used correctly it can be a great way to give each student a personalized lesson plan.
o I feel that this would be a great topic for me because I have worked closely with a Montessori program and have personally seen the positive results that can come.

Extra-Curricular activities are an important part of an educational atmosphere
o I would argue that although students are not directly learning anything while participating in extra-curricular activities they do help them with self-confidence and help them feel welcomed and a part of the school system which overall helps their motivation in the classroom.
o I feel that this would be a great topic for me because I was very involved in extra-curricular activities while in high school and have personally witnessed the side effects students feel. I also had many friends that were not involved at all and often had conversations about why they were not involved and their feelings of not really being a part of the school.

Year-Round schooling is a wonderful idea
o I would argue that year round schooling is a great alternative to the classic school calendar year and would help with student burn out and help stop the problem of all the information that students lose over the 3 month summer break.
o This topic would be good for me because it is something that I am eager to do more research on and don’t necessarily hold to strong of a view yet for either side.

1 comment:

Worth Weller said...

these are all well thought out Holly - go with the one that seems most promising from the initial research